Thursday, April 25, 2013

San Diego, I Love You

This week my family decided to take a trip to San Diego, I was real excited. The last time I went to San Diego I saw Interpol (the band) at Soma. Oh! what an experience, one of my favorite bands! We stayed in town and had a blast.
This time around my family and I stayed at a hotel right on the beach! This might not be a big deal for some of you, but when you live in a desert your whole life, it is haha.. Well the hotel itself was okay, but the view from the hotel was spectacular.. I felt so blessed to have been there, specially with my beautiful family. 
 We were close to many shops, like Brandy Melville <3 and Urban Outfitters, so of course I shopped a little, and afterward we walked on the boardwalk.. it was a pretty cold evening but it was nice.
 Hotel View
 This was my view on my tuesday morning run 
 Another view from the hotel
 My niece likes to watch me from weird angles, ahaha
And these babies are from Richard Walker's Pancake House in town... Mine weren't as appealing but these sure were:) 
xx Rina 

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