Sunday, July 7, 2013

Don't talk back

Im not good at keeping my mouth shut, in fact, over the past couple of years I've learned to hold back a lot. Specially when it comes to my emotions, I used to scream, and curse, and whatever else. My way of coping with these problems? ART.. it works well for me, I see it as my therapy. Whenever I am extremely sad, a little mad, even when I am happy. It always helps me with whatever I have going on.

I bought some prismacolor colored pencils yesterday and decided to try them out. I have NEVER used color pencil before so I started drawing some lips and I also drew a sphere and added some shading to it. I like how vibrant the colors are, real nice. I hope I can get the hang of it, I've seen some peoples work with colored pencil and its just unbelievable.
Isn't that just beautiful? Mia Ulmer is the artist, I found it online, so amazing.


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